If you have tried all of the set-up codes for your brand of equipment ,or your brand is not listed, and you are still not able to get the unit to respond, try the following procedure to search for your code.
If you don't find a code that works, the remote will flash four times when you reach the end of all the codes for this device type.
- PRESS the button for the device you want to program, (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.), then RELEASE.
- PRESS and HOLD the SETUP button until the red LED flashes twice, then RELEASE.
- ENTER 9-9-1 (two blinks on the remote)
- ALTERNATE slowly between the POWER key and the DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button until your device turns off. (On VCR, LD, and CD players use PLAY instead of POWER)
- Make sure that the remote is pointed at your device during the search, You may have to press this sequences of buttons up to 100 times to search the entire library of codes.
- When your device turns OFF, PRESS the SETUP button and RELEASE it to lock in the code for your device.
is 'press and hold the setup button until the red led flashes twice, then release'supposed to read: 'press and hold the set button until the red led flashes blah blah blah...'?